Hey what's up πŸ‘‹πŸ»

I'm Katie.

Nutritional scientist turned marketing pro helping wellpreneurs grow online with holistic marketing strategies.

Scientist by training, creative by nature.

Yep, I spent 5 years studying human health, nutrition, and nutraceutical science at the University of Guelph, but somewhere along the way I knew I wanted a creative, business-oriented career. 

I had my first taste of *real* entrepreneurship (aka excluding my childhood lemonade stands, even though I was cutting my juice with water to stretch profit margins...πŸ’°) in University, when my bestie and I started a small-batch personal care product company from our kitchen table. We qualified for a start-up grant and I worked for the business full-time that summer -- learning social media, ads, distribution, e-commerce, email marketing and more with help from Google University.

I soon realized that just like me, so many awesome health pros and scientists are NEVER taught the business skills required to turn their expertise into profitable businesses.

Thanks to the digital buzz created from Linds and Katie Inc. (yes) people in my network started to ask ME for help with their websites, social media, and online presence.

From there, The Wellness Marketer evolved into a business that serves the Wellpreneur community by providing resources and services designed specifically for holistic business owners.

Get to know my vibe

1. top Skills πŸ†

a. Instagram marketing
b. Talking my way out of anything
c. Dedicated hype-person
d. All the above

2. Fav things to read πŸ€“

cheesy romance novels 100%

Instagram vs. Tiktok

all the way!

3. When Not working, you can find me ✈️

a. Quality time with friends & family
b. Traveling
c. Swimming in a pool
d. Doing nothing

5. childhood dream 🎬

to be a Hollywood actor!

Fun fact: I did acting into my teenage years and loved being in commercials & on-set.

Coffee or tea? β˜•οΈ

iced please!

7. Favorite Food 🍣

a. Sushi
b. Pizza
c. Caesar Salad
d. Hot sauce

put this sh*t on everything

8. Top biz beliefs 😊

You don’t need 10K followers to be successful online

it's a tie!

I teach people how to turn their health expertise into a 6-figure business, without 10K followers or spending all day on marketing.

are you in?